Monday, June 14, 2010

Health - A Priceless Gift - Did you know?

Did You know? The nutritional content in the daily food that we have has dropped over 30% in the last 20 years. Reason? Pesticides, Pollution, Over cultivation and hence there are less nutrients in the natural soil.

Did You Know? Our kids now are expected to have life expectancy much shorter than their parents due to various reasons among which lack of daily nutrients in the food that they have daily is one of the reasons. They are most prone to diseases due to lack of a strong immune system than their parents.

Did you know? Lack of nutrition and improper lifestyle including the fast food is causing most cases of infertility among young couple! Polluted water, vegetables over exposed to pesticides results in much of the male factor infertility these days.

Did you know? Malaysia is the most obese nation in Asia!

Did you know? Malaysia is going to have the largest number of diabetic patients by 2020.

Did you know? If you cut spending on your medicine and health care cost, you save up to a million in next 30 years!

Did You know? Lack of exercise, Proper nutrition and obesity is the cause of ALL illness and problems 90% of the people are having!

Now, question is what are you going to do about all these? If you care for your health, your loved ones health, then most importantly if you are SERIOUS about it, then I can help you.

Am Sumesh Madu. I am a Wellness Coach and Distributor for Herbalife - a billion dollar company which has a history of over 30 years in health and nutrition and personal care.

As your personal Wellness Coach, I can help you achieve your personal wellness goal, whatever that many be. For some it is to lose their excess weight, To some to gain more weight and muscle mass. To some, simply to maintain the healthy life they currently have. Whatever it is, I can advise to you the products that are proven to work and bring you the results you want.

Plus, after using the Herbalife product, once you see the results yourself, which am 100% sure of, you will be given an opportunity to participate in our campaign. Campaign to help people that you know and love to lead a healthy life. A noble but a very rewarding effort.

So if you are really serious and motivated to have a healthy and a happy life, and is committed to
providing them with a great life, then we should talk.

Call me at +60123459583. Am Sumesh Madu. Your wellness coach. Always committed to your success.


Sumesh Madu

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